What is Interface in Java

Interfaces is also a key concept of java which is used very often in java applications. This tutorial explains different details of interfaces like what interfaces is, how to create interfaces, why do we use interfaces etc.

In java programming language an interface is a reference type, similar as class, that can contain only constants, method declaration(method signature, no body), default methods, static methods and nested types inside it's body. Nested type simply means it can contain another interface or class inside it. We will discuss this in nested interface tutorial.

The default and static methods can be used from java 8 onward only. These methods must have a body if used in an interface. These methods will be discussed in next tutorial. This tutorial will explain only basic component of an interface which is constants and method declarations.

An interface in java is declared using interface keyword, followed by interface name. After interface name it's interface body enclosed in { }. The basic syntax of declaring an interface is :

 interface interfaceName { 
    // constant declarations   
    // Method signatures
 Example :  
 interface MyInterface {
     int id = 20;
     void print();
     public int calculateArea();

The name of interface is given by the programmer by following the java naming convention. Inside the interface we can declare variables and methods. A variable declared inside an interface must be initialized with some value.

We can also use public and abstract modifier with interface declaration. An interface declared with public access modifier is accessible everywhere while the abstract modifier is added implicitly by the compiler with each interface that we declare.

 public abstract interface MyInterface {   
    // constant and Method declarations

Interfaces in java cannot be instantiated, which means we can not create the object of interfaces using new keyword. Interfaces can only be implemented by classes or extended by other interfaces.

How to implement interface in Java

Interfaces are designed to be implemented by classes as they contains method declarations only, no method body. These methods must be defined by classes which implements the interface. The class that implements an interface must define all the methods of that interface otherwise that class must be defined as abstract class.

Java provides implements keyword which is used to implement an interface by a class. The program below demonstrates how a class implements an interface.

Interface program in Java

 interface MyInterface {
     int id = 20;
     void print();
 class MyClass implements MyInterface {   
    public void print() {
       System.out.println("This is print method");
    public static void main(String args []) {
       MyClass obj = new MyClass();

Save above program as MyClass.java, compile as javac MyClass.java and run as java MyClass.


This is print method

How to save interface program ?

If a program contains only interface then it should be saved by interface name. If the program contains class and interface both then it must be saved by the class or interface name declared with public modifier. If it doesn't contain any public interface or class then prefer to save by class name, but it's not mandatory.

What does java creates after compilation of an interface ?

Java compiler always creates a .class file for every interface, no matter it is defined separately or in combination with class inside a program.

Each constants defined inside an interface are by default public, static and final while each methods are by default public and abstract. It's the compiler which adds these modifiers with constants and variables after compilation of interface. For example the above interface would be converted as below :

 interface MyInterface {
    public static final int id = 20;
    public abstract void print();

So it doesn't matter whether you use or not use these modifiers with variables and methods, java compiler will automatically adds these modifiers after compilation of your interface.

Can I declare a variable of interface as private or protected ?

No, the variable of an interface must be declared either public or it should be left without any modifier.

Implementing multiple interfaces

Java allows the classes to implement multiple interfaces. If a class implements multiple interfaces, then it must implement all the methods of each interfaces. The Program below demonstrates multiple interface implementation.

Java program to implement multiple interfaces

 interface FirstInterface {
     int id = 20;
     void printMessage();
 interface SecondInterface {
     int count = 10;
     void printDetail();
 class MultipleInterface implements FirstInterface, SecondInterface {  
    public void printMessage() {
       System.out.println("This is printMessage method");
    public void printDetail() {
       System.out.println("This is printDetail method");
    public static void main(String args []) {
       MultipleInterface obj = new MultipleInterface();
       System.out.println("id = "+obj.id);
       System.out.println("count = "+obj.count);


This is printMessage method
This is printDetail method
id = 20
count = 10

When to use interfaces in Java

Interfaces are a way of defining a set of contracts(in form of method) or minimum functionalities of an application. While designing an interface in your application, think it in this way, what are the minimum functionalities your application/software must have. You can write those functionalities in the form of abstract methods in one or more interfaces. Classes dealing such functionalities can implement the corresponding interface to ensure to provide the required functionalities by implementing the methods of that interface.

For an example if you are developing a user management software which will provide the functionalities like add user, update user, delete user, get user etc, you can write them in the form of methods inside an interface. The classes dealing such functionalities can implement that interface to provide these functionalities.

Why do we use interface in Java

Interfaces are generally used to declare a set of contracts or minimum functionalities which must be present in an application or program. These contracts are then implemented by classes to provide the actual feature. Apart from this there are some more benefits as listed below, of using interfaces in java.

  • Interfaces helps to achieve abstraction as it contains method declarations only, no method body.
  • Using interfaces we can achieve multiple inheritance in java, as a class can implement multiple interfaces.
  • It helps to achieve loose coupling, as methods are declared and defined separately.
  • Interfaces helps to achieve polymorphism, as a class can behave as multiple types by implementing multiple interfaces.

You may not understand the actual use of interfaces in a single program but once you start building any application or library designing, you would understand the use of interfaces in java.

Can we design an application without the use of interfaces ?

Yes you can design an application without using any interface, but a good design strategy is to use interfaces in your application where ever needed.

  • An interface acts as non primitive data type, as it's a reference type.
  • A program can declare multiple interfaces inside it.
  • Object of implementing class can be assigned in to implementing interface type.
  • A public class and public interface can not be declared together inside a program.
  • Always remember to apply public access modifier while implementing an interface method in a class.